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The school changes student hours - the students are angry

Växjö • Publicerad 19 mars 2019
Foto: Johan Christensen

Kungsmadskolan in Växjö has chosen to move the times for the graduation. This year's graduation takes place on June 11, 2019. The first part takes place at 11.00 and the second at 13.00. A decision that has upset the students. A collection of names has been started and so far the students have collected over 400 signatures.

“The strongest argument we have is that our loved ones do not have time to come to school to see us graduate, which we have longed for years and struggled for. Now that opportunity is gone and the day is only filled with stress, which our school management does not seem to care about”, writes students in a press release.


In a multi-page document, six students try to get the principals to change the times. But they have been told that it is not possible to change the times.

"We find it ridiculous and embarrassing that they do not care about the opinion of so many people, it is still us who are graduating and not them," the students write.

Mosaik has tried to contact representatives of the school.

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