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The star leaves Växjö DFF

Växjö • Publicerad 14 juni 2019
Foto: Lena Gunnarsson

Växjö DFF sells Jelena Cankovic to the competitor FC Rosengård. The club needs to solve its finances and now gets much needed money. However how much Rosengård payed is not known for the public.

– I cannot say anything about this, but what I understand is this the most expensive gaming business ever for a women player who goes between two Swedish clubs, says Frida Andersson, sports manager at Växjö DFF, to

The contract also includes a clause which means that Växjö DFF receives money if Jelena Cankovic is sold on in the future. Jelena Cankovic has played very little during the spring. She has made a rebid due to injuries and illness.

Oscar AppelgrenSkicka e-post
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