
They open new in central Växjö

Växjö • Publicerad 13 september 2019

16 years ago the dance studio Move it was started in Växjö. Now the business is expanding with a yoga studio on Kungsgatan.

– I think I have been looking for a new studio for about four to five years, but in different times because it has taken a lot of energy, says Ingrid Andrén, operations manager at Studio Move it, to Smålandsposten.


On Norrgatan, where Studio Move it is located, the two dance halls are constantly booked during the weekday afternoon. Now yoga can be separated from the rest of the business and kept in its own premises.

– There are many people who go out and into the room, respectively. People who want to go to yoga after work may need to relax and then you will meet 25 children in the stairs who have completed a dance class. There are slightly different energy levels. With the new room, we do not have to push the schedule so much, one has to roll out the yoga mat and sit a quarter before the class, says Ingrid Andrén to Smålandsposten.

Oscar AppelgrenSkicka e-post
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