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This entrepreneurial team wants to make the streets safer

A lot of people feel insecure when they go home in the city streets during late nights and evenings. The group behind the Intelligent Security app wants to remedy this. Several Växjö contractors have merged together and created a digital solution where help will available by the press of a button.
– If something were to happen you send out an alarm signal that notifies all the people in your contact network that are in the immediate area, says Pooya Yoursefi.
Växjö • Publicerad 3 juni 2019
Foto: Nadia Hagberg

Mosaik meets Pooya and his colleagues Alexander Josefsson, Mahammadreza Mosavat, Simon Hellberg-Zarders, Johanna Wiethüchter, Julia Jacka and Hagga Macharia on Mainstreet in Växjö. Theres a strong gust of wind blowing a few solitary soda cans down the street, but apart from that the city gives of an idyllic vibe. However, as the evening progresses the mood can change. Especially during the weekends, a lot of people perceive the streets to be precarious. In order make sure the residents of Växjö and other cities feel safer, the entrepreneurial team has developed a special security app called Intelligent Security.

– You simply download the app on your smartphone. There are two networks, one public and one private. In the latter, for example, you may add family members, relatives and friends.

Foto: Nadia Hagberg

The idea is that if you end up in a situation that is perceived as threatening or unpleasant, you will be able to call for help. Everything is done via the mobile app through a simple press of a button.

– The alarm reaches the 200 people who are closest within 10 kilometres. They will be able to check what help you need. As soon as ten people have answered yes to your alarm, the app stops searching for more network members.

But if you really are in danger, shouldnt the recommendation be to dial 112?

– Yes, though while waiting for help, this is a good complement. We want to encourage morale courage. The purpose is to make people stand up for each other. With the app we become each other's protectors.

What does the police and emergency service say about your app?

– They are generally positive. Were hoping to find a way of cooperating in the future.

Intelligent Security has in its current version four alarm functions: In addition to company, theres first aid, fire hazard and defibrillator.

– In future versions, for example, the app should show where to find the nearest defibrillator.

Is there any risk that the app will be overused, that there might be a lot of false alarms that may cause issues for the ones that need help?

– We have a built in AI that analyses human behaviour and thus should recognise when the alarms are not serious. If someone is using the app excessively, there will be warnings.


To really test the app before its launched for real, the team has had 1000 test subjects around the country. The response has been positive. After some adjustments, the app was officially released in mid-April.

– In just a few weeks we got 3000 downloads.

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