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Växjö resident releases new book

Växjö • Publicerad 17 januari 2020
Foto: Robin Sparf

The Växjö resident Ahmad Rahimi has been praised for his battle for unaccompanied refuges and human rights. In 2017, he was rewarded with Raoul Wallenberg Academy's award "Young Courage". He was also one of those who started the well known sit-down strike in Stockholm.

Now he is up to date with the new book ”Hör min röst” (Hear my voice), which is Ahmad's story, written in collaboration with Terese Hansen who was his teacher, became his friend and later his big sister.

Ahmad Rahimi was one of the unaccompanied young people who came to Sweden during the refugee crisis in 2015. During his first years in Sweden, he was alone in a new country with a new language. But he fought on a personal level, got into politics and out on the barricades. He has been at the forefront in demonstration train, spoken to thousands of people and received threats and hatred.

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