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Växjö's new hospital can be built here

Växjö • Publicerad 12 april 2019

Region Kronoberg has investigated whether they will build a completely new hospital in Växjö instead of renovating the current hospital in central Växjö.

If it becomes a new hospital, according to Region Kronoberg's feasibility study, it will be built in Räppe.


– The final cost of the two options will be quite close to each other. The costs, on the other hand, will arise at different times. What is clear is that we will need to make investments to meet the needs of the future, regardless of which alternative we choose to continue with, says Mikael Johansson (M) of the Regional Board.

A new hospital needs 15 hectares of land and should be located outside Växjö's central parts but still in connection with the national roads and rail traffic. A possible new construction can begin in about three or four years.

Nadia HagbergSkicka e-post
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