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Window fell from the third floor in Växjö

Växjö • Publicerad 2 juli 2019
Foto: Nadia Hagberg

When a resident at PG Vejde's road in Växjö opened the window to vent in his student apartment, the window's hinges burst and the glass pane fell three floors down.

– I was chocked. The first thing I thought was that people usually sit under the window and sunbathe or smoke a cigarette. Luckily, no one was down there today. I think it is important for others who live here in the area that may not be sitting outside the window, to be careful when opening their windows, so you do not get a human life in your conscience, he says to Smålandsposten.

No person was injured in connection with the incident, but Växjöbostäder's communications manager Madeleine Östlund looks very seriously at the situation and announces that they will inventory all the windows in the area.

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