
Woman with hijab attacked in Växjö

Växjö • Publicerad 4 april 2019
Genrebild.Foto: Lars-Göran Rydqvist

At the end of March, Hend Abouramadan, who wears a hijab, was inside Växjö Hospital to sign a paper in connection with a job application. She got attacked, writes Smålandsposten.

A woman should have asked if Hend lived in Sweden and when she answered yes, the woman shouted "Then you should take off what you have on your head". A third woman then went into the situation and corrected the woman by saying that one should not harass people for their choice of clothes.

- It ended with me telling the unpleasant woman that I was raised in Sweden and to wear the hijab is a choice I have made myself. Then the woman left. Why do people point out what I choose to wear? I am a human being just as much as everyone else, says Hend to Smålandsposten.

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