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Young people get the chance on stage

Växjö • Publicerad 25 november 2019
Foto: Smålandsposten

On Tuesday, the event “Best poet of the city - Araby” takes places. It is an event filled with poetry, workshops and conversations. During the summer, young people got to meet and talk poetry through a writing workshop together with 'Det fria ordets hus' and the Tenants' Association.

During the “Best poet of the city - Araby”, young people get the chance to stand on stage and show what they have learned.


– They are equipped with tools to dare to make their voices heard. It has been incredibly fun to follow them during the summer and now of course the work continues. Young people are not just our future, they are tomorrow's tenants. The collaboration is one of many that the Tenants Association has to support young people, says Olja Pekusic, housing developer at the Tenants Association.

During the evening, the voices are in focus. Founder and poets from the "best poet of the city", Iman Talabani, Simon Matiwos and Saman Sokhanran, will be participating in the event.

Oscar AppelgrenSkicka e-post
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