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Opening of Al-Sham Restaurant for Syrian Food in Växjö

Växjö • Publicerad 30 augusti 2022
Foto: Maha Nasser

A new Syrian food restaurant opened in Verkstadsgatan 18, Växjö. The restaurant offers, among other things, a large selection of Syrian-Aleppine food in particular. Such as grills of all kinds, grilled kibbeh, shawarma, and grilled chicken. In addition to appetizers such as tabbouleh, fattoush, hummus and muttabal. There are also vegetarian dishes.

- The restaurant industry is successful here in Sweden, so I thought about opening this restaurant, because we already have something to offer our customers, whether in terms of food quality or type. Therefore, we can retain customers through the distinguished food that we offer them. Until now, there has been a very high evaluation by the customers who visited us and tasted our food. We serve dishes from the city of Aleppo, because Aleppo is famous for the quality of the food. As we use special spices, and we do not add a lot of spices into the food in order to preserve the natural flavor of the meal. Khaled Alhalabi, owner of the restaurant says.


Why did you choose Växjö to invest in it?

Växjö is a very good city for investment and business. Because it has a great cultural diversity. In addition, it is growing and developing, especially in the field of trade and investment. There is potential for success and continuity.

Do you have a plan to develop if the restaurant is successful?

Yes, we are planning to open a chain of restaurants in different cities in Sweden.

Al-Sham Restaurant is not the first investment for Khaled Alhalabi, as Khaled invested in a clothing store in Lessebo, in addition to a tailoring shop.

- I used to own a sewing factory in Syria, so I thought of investing in this field. Unfortunately, the clothing store did not work for several reasons, including the low demand for purchase because the city of Lessebo is small, in addition to a complete lack of knowledge of the market requirements. For the tailoring store, it succeeded in the beginning. But investing in sewing is unsuccessful in Sweden because ready-made garments are imported.” As Khaled Alhalabi says.

Foto: Maha Nasser
Maha Nasser
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