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Quran reading in Växjö is stopped - violates rules

Växjö • Publicerad 7 mars 2019
Foto: Smålandsposten

Växjö Islamic Center has received money from ABF to hold language courses in Arabic. But in connection with them, they have read aloud from the Quran, something that contravenes the rules, according to P4 Kronoberg.

The language courses in Arabic is for eight year olds and up. Växjö Islamic Center claims that the reading from the Quran is voluntary and takes place after the end of the course. The Quran reading has been stopped after P4 Kronoberg's review.

– We must, of course, know what activities are being held in our premises, says Ola Persson, Operations Manager at ABF Södra Småland, to P4 Kronoberg.

Oscar AppelgrenSkicka e-post
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