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They open a pop up in Växjö city

Växjö • Publicerad 13 januari 2019
Foto: Emma Koivisto

The authors Sofi Poulsen, Aengeln Englund and Angua Vintersvärd start a pop up bookstore in central Växjö. In the glass kiosk on Storgatan, a book kiosk opens on January 26th. Then the plan is to stay open every Saturday in February.

- We are always hungry for new adventures and are constantly looking for different ways to reach out to the readers and where somewhere the thoughts of having a small bookstore grew up at home. Because we have many plans, at least we currently do not have the opportunity to lock ourselves into a completely own shop and then a pop-up shop is a perfect alternative, says Angua Vintersvärd.

The bookshelf will contain a mix of children's and youth books and stories that are aimed at an adult audience. The trio will be about to stand in the bookshelf and seek more local authors.

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