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Why are talented people born outside Sweden ignored?

A chronicle by Maha Nasser.
Växjö • Publicerad 18 juni 2020
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Cultural diversity has always been rich in the cultural tributaries of societies. The countries that contain denominations of different cultures and are characterized by a rich cultural diversity. These countries usually contain and invest in other cultures. This enriches and promotes the country's culture.

Perhaps it is somewhat different in Sweden. There is a noticeable neglect of these cultures. There is no interest in artistic culture, and it does not have the space as it should be to stand out in the community. I think there are many factors behind this. Political and social, and economic. The absence of the platform that allows talented people to express themselves and their cultures makes many people abstain from working in the artistic and cultural field and tend to pursue other jobs that provide them financial security. For example, some people think that one cannot rely work in the cultural or artistic field specifically to earn money, and one must work in another job to secure economic life. This will inevitably exclude one from doing his artistic work and reduce his interest in this aspect. There is also a political dimension, which is the fight against cultural pluralism by the Right-wing parties, which they believe there is no right of foreigners from different backgrounds to express their identity and practice their cultures. Like what happened in some municipalities, when some politicians objected to hold some plays for children in their mother tongue, citing that this would not help them learn Swedish. As well as the social aspect, it is related to society itself and its openness to acceptance of other cultures. It is evident that society in its various categories has no aspiration to learn about other cultures. For example, I attended the Husby Festival, which is an annual festival that greatly reflects Swedish culture in terms of food, arts and more. But I was surprised by the slight presence of citizens of immigrant backgrounds. I asked myself, why don't the immigrants come to such festivals to get to know about Swedish culture as long as they become part of this society?


On the other hand, I attended other events devoted to in-gathering from different backgrounds, so I did not notice a large presence of Swedish. Which raised me surprisingly and wondered why?

But it is clear that there is still a large gap between the arrivals and the indigenous. We must all work hard to reduce this gap.

This gap is also between the creator and the recipient. Today, many talented people born outside Sweden are ignored and have no opportunity to express themselves when it comes to the cultural and artistic side. There is no platform for them to express themselves. And if any, the matter is restricted to the activities of the communities of the same culture. Despite the long period spent by these talented people in Sweden, there are still obstacles. Some of them experienced obstacles in their home country for political, racial, and other reasons. They came to Sweden with big dreams, but they ran into other obstacles. For example, some schools have criteria for admission of students, especially in the artistic side, and students are often excluded from migratory backgrounds and are not given the opportunity to develop their creative skills. Therefore, there must be equal opportunities to develop their artistic and creative capabilities, in order for them to contribute equally to cultural life. they must not be excluded just because they have a different culture. It is very important to invest in the cultural and artistic side between the different groups of society. The cultural and artistic side should not be limited to practicing it as a hobby. Rather, this country must become the stars maker.

These cultures diverse have become an integral part of society and are considered a wealth that enriches us all. It must be present and be represented by all denominations of society, and these cultures should be allowed to express and transmit. Because cultural diversity is a guarantee of interaction between societies that are growing more diverse day after day. It is also an important factor and a catalyst for development in its various forms and types. This is not limited to the development of culture alone as long as this diversity helps to develop human talents and creativity in all fields.
