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85 percent of teachers do not have certificates

Kronoberg • Publicerad 12 mars 2019
Foto: /Barometern

In Kronoberg County, there are over 2 150 pupils with mother tongue education. There are 28 different languages taught. But according to P4 Kronoberg, 85 percent of the mother tongue teachers in Kronoberg does not have an certificate. These are numbers that Lärarnas Riksförbund are critical of.

– We know how important it is for the pupils to have access to mother tongue teaching and a study guide for their mother tongue. But this make it look like it is not as important for these teachers to have certificates, as it is for other subjects, says Åsa Fahlén, federal chairman of Lärarnas riksförbund, to P4 Kronoberg.

Of 95 teachers involved, only 14 have teacher certificates. In Alvesta, Ljungby, Lessebo and Tingsryd, none of the employees have certificates.

Oscar AppelgrenSkicka e-post
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