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A new multi-sport facility is planned in Växjö

Publicerad 20 augusti 2019
Billy Ydefjäll och Niklas Backåberg, Växjö allmänna IK
Billy Ydefjäll och Niklas Backåberg, Växjö allmänna IKFoto: Hilda Frankki

A new multi-sport facility is planned outside Räppe. It is the sports clubs Lammhult cyclists, Växjö Allmänna IK, and Växjö OCR who are planning a cultural and sports park.

- We want to create a place where people can develop, but it should also be a cultural park, says project manager Niklas Backåberg to Smålandsposten.


According to the plans, there will be tracks for mountain biking, cross-country skiing and obstacle course running, OCR, which can be described as a running form with obstacles along the way.

In order to build the multi-sport facility, the clubs have applied for a loan of 7 million Swedish crowns from the municipality. In addition, they have applied for a grant from Växjö Municipality of 120,000 Swedish crowns per year to cover operating costs. The building will also be financed by the money that the clubs have received from companies and private individuals, a sum of more than 2.3 million Swedish crowns, writes Smålandsposten.

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