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All Netto stores becomes Coop

Publicerad 13 maj 2019
Foto: Lena Gunnarsson

Coop has through the company Coop Butiker & Stormarknader AB bought up all of Netto's Swedish stores. In total, this is about 163 Netto stores.

“Today, we are taking a historic step when we go from 240 to 400 stores. Netto has skillfully built up a strong store network in southern Sweden, which we are now looking forward to investing in and developing further as Coop, says Christian Wijkström, CEO Coop Butiker & Stormarknader, in a press release.


Three Netto stores are affected in the county. One in Alvesta and two in Växjö. The agreement on the transfer of the business also includes the 2000 employees in Netto. The plan is that the stores will be turned to Coop stores and get their assortment of groceries.

“We welcome Netto to the Coop family. With considerably more stores and larger volumes, Coop will now have more strength behind our vision to be the good force in food Sweden and thus increase the benefit to our owners - our 3.5 million members”, says Magnus Johansson, CEO Coop Sverige.

Anna EngströmSkicka e-post
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