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Approved students increase by 40 percent

Växjö • Publicerad 22 april 2019
Foto: André Larsson

Everyone who has registered for the autumn's international master's programs at Swedish universities and colleges has received their admission notice. The number of people accepted has increased by ten percent compared to the autumn term last year and at Linnaeus University the number increases by as much as 40 percent.

– We are increasing the percentage of the universities that approved 1,000 students for international master's programs, which is very joyful, says Stefan Haglund, communications strategist in international student recruitment at Linnaeus University.

Prior to the autumn term 2018, Linnaeus University accepted 1132 students in international master's programs. Prior to the autumn term 2019, the numbers are 1583. The marketing program, International relations and International Business Strategy is the master's program at Linnaeus University, that accepts the most students.

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