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Avijit fulfilled his dream in Sweden

With his own experience as an international student, Avijit Kuri founded the company JRK International Educational Consultants. Headquartered in Växjö, he is building an international business that helps international students to the right university and education in Sweden.
– So far we have signed an agreement with seven universities in Sweden.
Växjö • Publicerad 2 december 2019
Foto: David Färdigh

Avijit Kuri is originally from Bangladesh and came to Växjö and Linnaeus University in August 2015 to study entrepreneurship. With him he also had a business idea of ​​being able to offer international students a service and information service that facilitates their studies.

– The international students pay a lot of money for their education and it is important that they end up in the right place and in the right education. The Swedish education system is also very different from what applies in, for example, Asia and there is a lot of paper and documentation to keep track of.


Avijit has been an international student in both the UK and Sweden. Based on his own experiences, he has seen a need for a service that more closely connects the student and the university. In February 2016, he registered his company JRK International Educational Consultants. The business idea is to guide international students for a fee against a university and an education that suits their interests and needs, and to provide services that facilitate their studies.

– The company has received a positive reception. So far, we have helped 150 international students, mainly from Asia. We have also signed agreements with seven universities in Sweden that we are working with.

Following the success in Sweden, Avijit now looks further towards other countries. First in turn are Finland and Canada and then there are plans to expand to Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.

– My vision is that within five years we will be in 40 locations in 10 countries.

However, the base and head office will continue to be in Växjö, promises Avijit.

– Växjö and Linnaeus University will always have a special place in my heart. I was very well-received when I came here, I will never forget that!

Originally, Avijit had intended to start his business in the UK, but tough rules meant that he chose Sweden instead, something he does not regret.

– There is a positive attitude to entrepreneurship here and I have also received good support from organizations such as Drivhuset, Almi and Coompanion.

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