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Girls tried out technology and IT challenges

28 girls were trying to solve problem in technology and IT when the IGE day was organized at Epic in Växjö. Sara Mahmutovic and Maram Samarat from Växjö International Grundskola were two of the participants who tried programming, among other things.
– It is good to know. Making your own app would be awesome.
Växjö • Publicerad 2 april 2019
Foto: David Färdigh

IGE-day stands for Introduce a Girl to Engineer day and is a theme day aimed to stimulating the interest of technology among young girls. IGE was organized all over the country last Friday, including at the Epic Technology & Innovation center at Linnaeus University in Växjö.

– In total, we have 28 participants in the ages between 13 and 19 years. They get divided into groups to tests various problem solutions in technology and IT, said Natasha Asimiades, the network Witech who was the organizer together with GoTech.


Two of the participants were Angelina Majava and Elina Andriyevska from Växjö International Grundskola who got acquainted with optical fibers and tried to design LEDs.

– Hard but fun!

From the same school, Sara Mahmutovic and Maram Samarat tried programming.

– It is not as difficult as it looks, said the girls after some guidance.

Can you imagine yourself becoming a programmer in the future?

– Maybe, it is probably good to know. For example, it would be awesome to be able to create your own apps.

Foto: David Färdigh
David FärdighSkicka e-post
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