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Large restaurant chain wants to establish in Växjö

Publicerad 30 augusti 2019
Foto: Tomas Löwemo, Tomas Löwemo

Harrys restaurant is found in many places around Sweden but the company wants to establish itself in more places. They are looking for franchisees in 20 different cities, including Växjö.

– Växjö is super interesting and is included in our plans. It happens incredibly much in Växjö and we have previously been in contact with pubs in the city, says Fredrik Börén, establishment manager at Harrys.


The idea is that Harrys will find existing pubs and businesses that can be converted to the Harrys concept.

– We do not need any large premises, but also want to be able to fill the restaurants on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, says Fredrik Börén.

Is it a restaurant or a nightclub?

– We want to start with food. But it all depends on the pub we choose to work with, what he or she wants and has plans for.

Oscar AppelgrenSkicka e-post
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