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Live in another municipality - earn millions

Publicerad 27 augusti 2019

By working and living in different municipalities, you can save millions of Swedish crowns, reports Länsförsäkringar and Svenska Dagbladet. Commuting to another municipality for work can be very good for the economy.

According to Svenska Dagbladet, Kronoberg County is one of the counties where you can get the most money from commuting.


Växjö is the largest municipality while Tingsryd, which is 44 kilometers away, is the cheapest. According to the statistics, the difference in the housing price for a 75 square meter apartment is 1 599 000 Swedish crowns. The housing loan interest rate difference is 10,913 Swedish crowns per year. When it comes to a 100 square meter house, the difference is 1,340,600 Swedish crowns and 9,150 Swedish crowns interest rate difference.

The compilation is calculated on the basis of an interest rate of 1.5 percent on the loan and a loan-to-value ratio of 65 percent. The price per square meter is based on Broker statistics from 2019 second quarter.

Daniel RydströmSkicka e-post
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