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New circulation site is being built in Växjö

Växjö • Publicerad 2 april 2019
Foto: Smålandsposten

Hovshaga center will have a new circulation site. At the end of April, work will begin on building the circulation site at the intersection of Kungsgårdsvägen-Pomonavägen.

– By building a circulation site, we are not only creating a more accessible and traffic-safe crossing for both pedestrians, cyclists and car traffic, but also a more attractive center core in Hovshaga, says Sofia Stynsberg (M), Technical Committee Chairman of Växjö.


In addition to a circulation site, new pedestrian crossings and bicycle passages will be built. The surface of the bus stops will be more functional and provided with weather protection.

And the circulation site in Hovshaga center will be completed in October 2019. The intersection Kungsgårdsvägen-Pomonavägen will be completely or partially closed for car traffic during the project.

Oscar AppelgrenSkicka e-post
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