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New city street in Växjö's new residential area

Växjö • Publicerad 18 december 2019
Foto: Anders Bergön, Växjö kommun

Through Växjö's new district of Bäckaslöv, a 1.5 kilometer long esplanade street will be constructed. The street will link Storgatan with Söderleden.

– In order to expand the new district, we need to improve road connections. The street has been designed to work for both car, bicycle, pedestrian and public transport. The street will become a new urban street in Växjö for both residents in Bäckaslöv, Växjö residents and visitors who will move between downtown and the Samarkand area, says Malin Engström, acting administrative manager of the technical administration.

According to Smålandsposten, Växjö Municipality has signed an agreement with the contracting company Mark & Miljö in Ljungby to carry out the work. The project will employ about 15 people and it will start after the turn of the year. The contract is worth 69 million Swedish crowns and the street will be completed by autumn 2021.

Nadia HagbergSkicka e-post
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