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New educations in Växjö

Växjö • Publicerad 8 april 2019
Foto: Lennart Ernstsson

The Vocational university in Kornbergs county recently presented the new courses available this fall. Among others four IT/technology courses in Växjö which is being run by educational coordinator EC Utbildning.

- The IT industry is crying out for able labour. 92 percent of the graduates from the universitys IT courses end up with jobs within the orientation of the courses, says Stefan Gustavsson, head of education.


The courses are modelled by the needs of the business sector and often leads to jobs straight after graduation. The other week the agency of vocational universities presented the courses starting this fall and several are based in Växjö. One of the companies assigned to run the courses is EC Utbildning, whom are specialised in education regarding IT and new technology.

– We are doubling our operation in Växjö this fall. Going from two to four courses and three to six classes, Stefan tells us.

The educations in question are CAD designers, Frontend developers, Java developers and technical writing. There is a massive demand for these professions and the labour market is practically crying out for able bodies.

– Practically everyone is hired straight after graduating. At least a fourth of the education is based at companies through LIA, Lärande i arbetslivet (learning at work), which means that the students can start networking in the business sector.

However, the boom within the sector brings along challenges for the companies like EC Utbildning.

– Our problem is to fill out the vacant spots in each course. Because of the demands of the labour market a lot of would be students chose to work instead and postpone their plans for education.

The opportunity to apply for the courses started last Monday and ends on April 30th. The prerequisites vary between each course but in general one requires full upper secondary school grades or substantial work experience and competence.

– Our board of directors with representatives from the business sector can also hand pick up to 20 percent of the classes, if they deem that certain applicants possess specific competences.

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