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New paddle hall opened in Alvesta

Alvesta • Publicerad 12 december 2019
.Foto: Johan Persson

The new paddle hall in Alvesta has been opened. It was celebrated with an open house.

One of those present was the promoter Richard Karlsson. He has worked on banking and telecom in the past, but decided to change course last year.


– This is brand new to me. I decided that I would do something that I thought was fun and this ended up at the top of my list, says Richard Karlsson to Smålandsposten.

The new hall is 1,300 square meters and it is ten meters up to the ceiling. In total, the facility holds four courses. There is also a lounge with coffee and sofas. One of the partners in the paddle hall is Vida's CEO Måns Johansson.

– Vida has nothing directly to do with this, but it is completely private. But Vida is still important to me, and we want to do everything possible to attract good and new employees, he tells Smålandsposten.

Daniel RydströmSkicka e-post
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