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New principal in Alvesta

Alvesta • Publicerad 15 mars 2019

Region Kronoberg owns and operates Grimslövs Folkhögskola. Now, Erik Engsbråten has been appointed as the new headmaster. The school has focus on health, wellness and culture in a broad perspective.

– We are pleased that Erik has accepted this exciting and important assignment. Erik meets the skills and abilities we identified as important in recruitment, says Joakim Pohlman (S), member of the board of Folkhögskolan.


Erik Engsbråten is currently the area manager for the labor market and adult education within the administration Work and Welfare in Växjö municipality. He has previously been headmaster of Värnamo Folkhögskola and Allbo Learning Center.

– I am very happy, full of energy and see huge opportunities in this new mission. The school has been around for 140 years and I will do everything in my power for the school to continue to be an attractive and important school that gives people a different chance, says Erik Engsbråten.

Oscar AppelgrenSkicka e-post
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