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New ticket is suggested for young people

Växjö • Publicerad 30 augusti 2019
Foto: Per Jodenius

The Kronoberg Region Traffic Commission has proposed a new ticket to facilitate the travel of young people by public transport in their spare time. It is a new type of ticket for young people up to 19 years.

– We want to invest in the youth in the county and facilitate them to get around on their own in the county at their leisure. Young people are travelers of the future and good habits are created early in life. The leisure ticket is a good way to, at a favorable price, have the opportunity to travel collectively to friends, leisure activities or summer jobs, says Carina Bengtsson (C), the chairman of the traffic committee.

According to Kronoberg Länstrafiken, there is a proposal that the Leisure ticket should cost 200 Swedish crowns for 30 days. It should apply in the afternoon, evenings and weekends.

Nadia HagbergSkicka e-post
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