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Police warn about the party drug

Växjö • Publicerad 12 april 2019
Foto: Per-Erik Sandebäck

Tramadol is highly addictive and can trigger severe seizures. Despite this, the drug increases avalanche among young people and now the police are warning of it.

– We have seen a clear increase in Tramadol over the past two years. It is the kind of drug that scares me most right now. People already know about cannabis, hashish and cocaine, but we must start thinking about Tramadol as well, says Växjö police Scott Goodwin to Aftonbladet.


A few years ago, the police in Växjö were alerted to an address where a young man were in difficult pains. He squeezed a lot and could barely speak. It was the first incident that Växjöpolisen took part of with the drug Tramadol.

Tramadol is used to relieve the pain after, for example, back and knee surgery. But in town, it is used as a party drug, writes Aftonbladet.

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