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Restaurant chain opens in central Växjö

Växjö • Publicerad 27 augusti 2019
Foto: Cyrano

In late August or early September, a new restaurant chain will open in Willans Park in central Växjö. Cyrano is a French restaurant with wood-fired pizzas and à la carte with, among other things, fish, meat and pasta made in a French way. The restaurant in Växjö will be the chain's 17th and a total of about ten people will be employed.

– Växjö is a growing and interesting municipality. We believe it will be good in Växjö. We would have liked to have opened earlier, but there have been some delays due to holiday times, says Lorenzo Baniassadi, marketing manager for the restaurant chain Cyrano.


In addition to a restaurant, they are investing in the concept of Boulala, with boules courses and a bar with drinks and snacks. In total, Cyrano and Boulala will be able to accommodate 150 people on the premises, for food, hanging and boules.

– There are two concepts in one. We started with boules in Jönköping last fall and it has been very good. Boule is a growing sport in Sweden again and is suitable for almost all ages, says Lorenzo Baniassadi.

Oscar AppelgrenSkicka e-post
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