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Stolen Christmas cards were found thrown out

Hovmantorp • Publicerad 18 december 2019
Foto: Daniel Nilsson

This weekend, a person found numerous letters that were thrown out on a village road in Tollstorp outside Hovmantorp. The thrown out items consisted mainly of Christmas cards.

The person who found the letters first took them home and then reported the incident to the police. On Monday, the letters were picked up and eventually they will be sent to the right address, says PostNord's district area manager Robert Andersson. He also says that it is suspected that someone has broken into a mailbox. This is also about to be investigated.

– We do not find any damage to any mailbox, but we think it may be the one at ICA. We have been given indications that it has been open and that someone has closed it again. Then the mailbox locks by itself, says Robert Andersson to Smålandsposten.

Nadia HagbergSkicka e-post
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