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The debated grading requirements in Växjö are being expanded

Växjö • Publicerad 20 februari 2020
Oliver Rosengren
Oliver Rosengren

Last year, Växjö Municipality introduced grading requirements for young people seeking a municipal summer job. In 2019, a passing grade in math and Swedish was required or that the pupil go to summer school for two weeks and then be eligible to apply for summer job, but then without the requirement for an approved grade after completing summer school. The municipality now chooses to develop Växjölöftet Summer with requirements for approved also in English.

- The high school diploma is the best insurance against unemployment, while research shows that summer job guarantees have little or no effect in them. We have therefore chosen to use the summer job guarantee as a thing for more people to complete their upper secondary education. Last year, half of all those affected by the requirement were approved before the regular term came to an end, says Oliver Rosengren, municipal council and the chairman of the work and welfare committee.

In 2019, 747 young people applied for holiday jobs. 21 young people who applied did not have approved grades in Swedish and math. But eleven of them managed to get approved before the semester was over, four refused and six pupils combined summer school and summer jobs.

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