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The police's investment in Araby continues

Växjö • Publicerad 4 juni 2019
Foto: Smålandsposten

For the third time, the police have presented their situation picture of vulnerable areas in Sweden. Araby is one of 22 locations listed as "particularly vulnerable areas". However, the police have seen great and very positive results from the investments that have been made in the area.

– It was expected that Araby will remain among the vulnerable areas. We see that the investments we have jointly made have given results, but this is a long-term work and we continue the effort. The majority's proposed budget for 2020 mentions the improvement of coordination of field operations, meeting places, mobile teams and security walks. We are now also planning for a pilot of the Scotland model in Araby and Lammhult, says Anna Tenje (M), the municipality's chairman of the Växjö municipality.

More police are moving in the area, camera surveillance is used and there is close cooperation between the police, Växjö municipality and several organizations and associations in the area.

Oscar AppelgrenSkicka e-post
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