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They run a new restaurant in Växjö

Växjö • Publicerad 21 mars 2019
Foto: Nadia Hagberg

A new restaurant has opened at Verkstadsgatan in Växjö. It is Annika Olsson, who previously worked as a nurse, who now runs the restaurant called Olsson's kitchen.

– I felt I had to take the chance. You can not regret what you have not done and this feels right. We want this to be familiar and that it should be like eating at home, says Annika Olsson.


The menu includes burgers, lambs and pasta dishes.

– We basically do everything from scratch. We mince the meat ourselves and we are going to serve Swedish meat as often as possible. Then we have bread from Askelyckan.

Annika Olsson's partner Bilal Bertiyan, who has worked in the industry for over 25 years, proudly shows the premises. Since the beginning of the year they have renovated the premises and with Bilal's creativity they have developed a unique interior design with their own design.

– It has been full speed since we took over the premises. We want to stand out and already we have seen people coming in just to check out the interior, says Annika Olsson.

Currently, there are two people who work with the restaurant but more employees will be hired.

– I do not want people who just work, but I want some who are service-oriented and caring, says Annika.

Oscar AppelgrenSkicka e-post
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