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Unemployment decreases in Kronoberg

Kronoberg • Publicerad 14 mars 2019
Foto: Smålandsposten

In February, unemployment in Kronoberg County decreased. Compared to the same month last year, the number of people who were unemployed decreased by more than 300 people.

In February 2019, eight percent of the labor force was unemployed. Unemployment decreases most for men, which is mainly due to the fact that the proportion of men who are foreign born who receive work has increased and that fewer men are entered into the establishment assignment.

– Even though unemployment among foreign-born people are considerably higher than for domestic, we see a steady positive trend that more people get work. Education is becoming increasingly important factor for both getting a job and staying in the labor market. Therefore, we try to get more people who do not have completed education to educate themselves and preferably to one of our many shortcomings, says Valdete Hashani, labor market analyst.

Oscar AppelgrenSkicka e-post
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