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Unsafe places have been marked in Alvesta

Alvesta • Publicerad 5 februari 2020
Ola Severinsson.
Ola Severinsson.Foto: Oscar Ivarsson

During the fall, Alvesta Municipality tested a digital map service where citizens marked out places where they felt unsafe. A total of 109 responses were received.

Most were about poorly lit places. Some also complained about insecurity outside the ICA store in Alvesta. One person has written: "It does not feel good to leave ICA late evenings as there are often gangs there screaming for one".


– If we look at the national term "youth gang" there is none in Alvesta. Young people can certainly be seen as messy, but from the police's side, there is no problem we see in Alvesta, says Ola Severinsson, Alvesta Municipal Police, to Smålandsposten and continues:

– To be really honest, we have not had a senior who has been abused in the municipality for 20 years. We have no such crimes and many people have a wrong image and think it is worse.

However, the municipal police point out that the residents of Alvesta are entitled to be insecure, although the insecurity may not match the crime statistics.

Nadia HagbergSkicka e-post
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