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Maha Nasser: Social convergence between the negatives and positives

Maha Nasser
Växjö • Publicerad 3 oktober 2020
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It is natural for there to be relationships that bind people to each other regardless of whether these relationships are positive or negative ones. But human relationships are often referred to as positive relationships. Most of the authors and scholars consider that social relations are the basis of sociology, and social relations have been defined as (the links and mutual effects between individuals and society, and they arise from the nature of their meeting and the exchange of their feelings and their contact with each other and from their interaction in the same society. Because the presence of people in a society necessarily means their social interaction, whether at the family level or society.

Social relations take many forms, such as the neighborhood relationship, which we are going to talk about in this article. Although these relationships began to fade away in some societies at the present time, it seemed to take another character. Neighboring relations have become very few and almost non-existent, especially in civilized societies. The neighbor may not see his neighbor for a long time because of the constant preoccupation and the many social obligations. But there are societies that still honor and respect these relationships. Eastern societies are one of these societies. Where there is social interaction between the neighbors or the people of the same neighborhood. Neighbors share with each other their joys and sorrows. You find closeness and participation in everything. For example, on happy occasions such as weddings and other pleasant occasions, you find people interact and the people of the same neighborhood come to do all the duties and share the joy also with the wedding people. Likewise, in funerals, people come to console the deceased’s family and provide them with psychological support, in addition to preparing food for them for at least three days. It is true that these relationships and this social rapprochement are positive and create a kind of social solidarity, but they are also not without negatives.


The neighborhoods in eastern societies are distinguished that their homes are always open, and it is possible to share breakfast or lunch with an unexpected visitor. And they got used to it, so that there was no kind of cost. You usually find this in the countryside more than in urban neighborhoods. Yes, these links increase familiarity among members of society. However, one cannot have privacy, on the other hand. You open your door wide to curious people to know every little and every big thing about your private life and its circulation. There is absolutely no respect for private life. Hence, gossip abounds in these communities, and so are rumors. How frequent arguments between neighbors because of these rumors. In addition to quarrels between children with each other, it creates quarrels between adults as well. As much as these communities enjoy kindness, simplicity, generosity and initiative in helping. However, one might see people sharing food on the first day at one table and fighting on the next day. Problems and disputes abound as the circle of those relationships expands, and there are no limits to this rapprochement. In addition to this and that, it was previously mentioned that when misfortunes descend, people come to support, but not everyone who comes aims to help, as there are those who come to watch and feel elated for the calamities that affect others. Consequently, a person may encounter difficulty in finding a private space in which he or she can be alone and expresses his or her sadness without anyone seeing it.

It is good to have a good neighborly relationship and social ties that lead to social solidarity, but within limits. There must be a balance in the space of these relationships. You have to have your own life. Setting boundaries for these relations ensures the continuation of mutual respect and reduces the outbreak of disputes.
