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The Singer Ali Kassab releases his first song

Växjö • Publicerad 10 januari 2021
Foto: Pressbild

The Syrian singer Ali Kassab released his first song in Arabic under the title "Mema3a". This song highlights an important issue, which is the issue of high dowries in Arab societies.

Ali Kassab came to Sweden in 2015 and he is working hard to achieve his dream and reach stardom, as he is now studying music at Linnéuniversitetet in Växjö.


Arab families ask for high sums from the young man if he wants to marry. Therefore this poses a difficulty for young people who want to marry, especially if the young man is still in the prime of life and wants to build his future and develop himself. This does not concern only Arab families in the Arab world, but Arabs residing in Europe as well. Of course, this phenomenon poses a problem for both men and women. The song discusses the issue in a comedic way just to communicate the idea. Says Ali Kassab.

Mema3a’s song is composed and distributed by Muhammad Al-Jaloudi, and lyrics by Amjad Sawalha. Masterring is done by Muhammad Bushnaq. Participation in the distribution and General supervision is Nader Makarkars work. Voice recording was in Bergendahlska gården, Växjö.

How do you feel now with the release of your first song?

– I am very happy. It feels like reaching the top of a mountain after climbing, but this is not the final top. I aspire to reach higher than that. My dream is stardom.

Will you continue singing in Arabic or do you have a plan to sing in other languages ​​such as Swedish?

– Currently, I study music at Linnéuniversitetet and practice singing in both Swedish and English. So it is interesting and fun to sing in English and Swedish. I dream of getting to globalism.

Maha Nasser
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