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Why 15 percent are unvaccinated in Kronoberg

The vaccine against Covid-19 appeared nearly a year ago, after it was in full swing in order to reduce the spread and severity of the Coronavirus. Just over 85 percent of those over the age of 16 chose to get vaccinated in Kronoberg County.
But why are some people afraid to take the vaccine? Why do they opt out of a protection that is offered for free?
Vaccination coordinator Lena Andersson Nazzal gives us a closer look
Växjö • Publicerad 13 december 2021
Lena Andersson Nazzal, vaccination coordinator and Abeer Ghazi. Montage: Smp.
Lena Andersson Nazzal, vaccination coordinator and Abeer Ghazi. Montage: Smp.

VXO Media and Smålandsposten conducted a survey with about 20 people living in Kronobreg, on the reasons people are not vaccinating against the coronavirus . As most of them did not receive the vaccine. There are many reasons - for example, some have diseases that prevent them from doing this, others trust their immunity - but most of them are afraid.

Fear that the vaccine will cause more disease than the virus itself, fear of side effects and fear of death.


– Every time I book an appointment for a vaccination, there is news that makes me feel unsafe. The vaccine seems to be unsafe. There are many people who have received the vaccine feeling afraid and insecure. A woman who lives in Växjö tells Smålandsposten.

– I will not take the vaccine even if they force us to do so. I will lock myself in the house and never get out of it, because there is a great risk in taking the vaccine. I do not want to introduce a substance into my body that I do not know what it is or what its complications are, Abeer Ghazi says.

Abeer Ghazi believes that the risk is too great and that ignorance of the potential complications is frightening. – I have not had corona, and if I do, I will fight the disease so that I will have immunity to the virus. Photo: Private.
Abeer Ghazi believes that the risk is too great and that ignorance of the potential complications is frightening. – I have not had corona, and if I do, I will fight the disease so that I will have immunity to the virus. Photo: Private.

”Many have got the wrong idea”

Lena Andersson Nazzal has guided Kronoberg in vaccine issues for a year. She has read Smålandsposten's interview material and believes that a large part of the answers are purely misinformation.

– There are so many sources of information today that it's hard to appreciate what you're hearing," Anderson says and continues "Many people have gotten the wrong idea and listened to the wrong sources they relied on. Many are expressing concern about vaccination. The fears remain from the swine flu, as we had problems after the vaccination."

Do you think the great flow of information has had a negative impact on your job?

– Absolutely can do it, no one can control this information. Based on what I've read in the interviews there are a lot of misconceptions.

How do you work on referring people to the right sources?

– We try to pass on what the Public Health Agency goes out with. Ultimately, they are the ones who will be responsible for the factual information. At the vaccine buses, there are usually informants who can answer questions and confirm what is true and what is not true. What I hear from those who are out in the field is that many choose to get vaccinated.

Lena Andersson Nazzal, vaccination coordinator.
Lena Andersson Nazzal, vaccination coordinator.Foto: Lars-Göran Rydqvist

”Two groups stand out - younger men do not get vaccinated”

According to FHM's statistics, people born outside the EU have a lower willingness to vaccinate than the general population. In the Kronoberg Region, it is seen that there are two groups that stand out.

– It is not only those with a foreign background but especially younger men who have a low vaccination rate, says Andersson Nazzal.


Anderson Nazzal believes the anti-vaccination stance could be changed when a Covid certificate is required for major events and events from December 1.

"It might be interesting to get vaccinated and then go to hockey or something," she says.

Why do you think that the youth group refuses vaccination?

– Perhaps it is the same reasons that everyone talked about, for example, that the vaccine is not useful, or that it is not important. The young man may say, "I am young and I can resist the disease, and I do not need to be vaccinated."

Anderson stresses that everyone should be vaccinated. Because anyone can become seriously ill.

”The lack of vaccination coverage consists of three parts”

– I think that the lack of vaccination coverage consists of three parts - those who are already opponents, those who have the wrong information about it and those who are unable to do so, says Andersson Nazzal.

Why would you not have managed to book a vaccination appointment?

– Our investigation has shown that you are not involved in the community or in the media, where we spread the majority of our information, to the same extent. Or it simply has not happened.

Här saknas innehåll

The map above shows the vaccination coverage in Kronoberg in September. By then, the Kronoberg Region had begun work to increase its presence in residential areas where vaccination coverage is low, for example at Araby in Växjö. Among other things, a rolling vaccine station has been around in various places in the county. According to the vaccination coordinator, it has yielded results.

– We have seen that we have reached more people there than from the beginning. It gives results. There are many who get vaccinated when we are there. As Lena Anderson says .


Our survey shows that you have not reached everyone, what is the reason behind this?

– The large flow of information makes it difficult to reach the right information to just about everyone in that noise. But we will not give up, we will continue.

Is there anything you could have done differently during this time?

– Maybe been out on site even earlier, close to the population. But we did not have the resources for it then, but we have created it gradually

”Swedish authorities can be trusted”

Many we spoke to refer to information from other countries and what they communicate about the vaccine from there.

Is that a problem?

– It can be. I heard someone who had talked to foreign groups say "why do you change so much in Sweden all the time". In other countries they say one thing and then it applies. The research and experience of the vaccine is changing, and Sweden is following it on an ongoing basis, which is why we are changing as soon as we know something new. Here we are more flexible, but it can also be confusing.

Can you understand that people get worried when you change the way Sweden has done? For example, by first offering Moderna's vaccine to the entire population and then removing it for a specific group?

– It's to be careful. When it comes to Moderna, it was seen that there was a small increased risk in certain groups, so we want to remove that risk and adapt the business. It is really to create safe conditions, even though it may sound unsafe. I think you can trust the Swedish authorities.

Those who do not trust Swedish authorities then? How do you handle it?


– It can be a cultural issue. You may not be used to trusting authorities, but in Sweden I think you can do it

Här saknas innehåll

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