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Familjekompis is an opportunity to promote integration in Växjö

Växjö • Publicerad 16 mars 2022

Familjekompis project was launched in Växjö in the spring of 2021 and it is becoming more and more popular with each passing month. The integration project Familjekompis is already in 20 other places around the country and has so far integrated almost 600 families in Sweden. Family friend matches families who are new in Sweden with families who are established in Sweden.

The project aims to create better integration and new friendships between families with different backgrounds. Among those met through the project are Karolina and Damian Zieniewicz and Josefina and Andreas Wilson, who became friends thanks to Familjekompis. Karolina Zieniewicz comes from Poland and moved to Sweden 2 years ago with her husband and 6-year-old daughter. She believes that the project is of great value to immigrants and that it provides great opportunities to integrate with Swedes.


- It is very important to meet people, so I really like the Familjekompis project, which gives us the opportunity to make new contacts. Thanks to Familjekompis, I have the opportunity to practice the Swedish language and get to know Swedish culture better, says Karolina Zieniewicz.

Karolina met a Swedish family who lives in her area at the first meeting of the project. They walk together in their spare time, grill and hang out outdoors. Family friend means a lot to her and she recommends this project to anyone who likes to meet new people and is curious about learning about new cultures.

Josefine and her husband Andreas moved to Växjö from the west coast ten years ago and since then they have had two children who are now eight and five years old.

- We met Karolina and her family at Bilda for the first time and the children found each other immediately and we had so much fun together. We have so many things in common, apart from the fact that we are the same age and have children of the same ages, we all like to talk about food, history, literature, exercise and so on - and to be seen outdoors and barbecue and walk, says Josefine Wilson .

Karolina and Josefine point out that every time they meet, they have new things to talk about and things to do together. They learn many things from each other and they are so happy that they got to know each other.

- There is so much more that unites us than that separates us despite the fact that we are born in different countries and that we speak different home languages. I am so happy that we chose to contact Bilda and become part of Familjekompis and I really hope that more families take this chance just as we did. It's so evolving and the world's most fun thing, says Josefine Wilson.

Familjekompis project is funded by the County Administrative Board and it is implemented by Studieförbundet Bilda and Växjö municipality. The first meeting is organized by Bilda, then it is up to the families how they want to continue to meet and get to know each other.

For those families who are interested in participating, there is more information on how to register at

Maha Nasser
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