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Marly Andersson performs at a Christmas concert

Växjö • Publicerad 20 december 2021

On Saturday, pianist Marly Azevedo Andersson gave a concert in Ulriksbergskyran, in Växjö. She played with 15 students from her music school for teaching piano. Marly and the children played many Christmas songs, among others, Stilla Natt, Nu tändas tusen ljus, Julen är här, Bjälkeklang.

-" I play with all my heart" says Marly and continues. Because I really love the piano. The piano is my passion and my mission in life. I love my job as a pianist and teacher, and I am happy to see the children learn to play so fast. They are really smart kids."


Marly teaches children to play the piano in her private school, and the children also participate with her on many occasions.

- The semester has been great and interesting with 22 students, who take 80 piano lessons monthly. In addition, there are many mothers of children who come to play with their children, the children learn more and faster when the mothers play with them. I'm so happy to teach others to play the piano. As Marly Andersson says.

Maha Nasser
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