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The conclusion of the refugee summer camp in Holmarna in Växjö

Växjö • Publicerad 24 augusti 2022

Sensus and Save the Children, in cooperation with the municipalities of Växjö, Lessebo, Alvesta and Uppvidinge, have set up a summer refugee camp in the Holmarna in Växjö. The camp was held over six days in the first half of August, and nearly 300 refugees were targeted. The camp was held on 2-3/08, 7-8/08 and 12-13/08, where camping started from 9-7 in the evening, for the participants, while those responsible for the activity were staying in the camp.

- After the success of the summer camp last year, we decided to move forward and continue the activity. We target groups who are unable to travel during the summer, such as refugees and people with limited income, and we create a summer atmosphere for them so that they can enjoy themselves with their children and know the nature of Sweden. In addition to promoting integration. This activity is part of the project Tidigare insatser för asylsökande. Before the start of the camp there was training for leaders such as rowing training, training in risk assessment, children's games, and how to help in general. The participants are refugees who hold a lama card, and some have obtained residency, but they are still living in immigration homes. For example, most of those who came today to the camp are Ukrainian refugees. Says Maha Ibrahim, Head of Activities at Sensus.


The camp included many activities such as fishing, canoeing and painting for children. There was also music and dancing. In addition to a competition about natural rights in Sweden. There were also five meals a day which included breakfast, Fika, lunch, snacks and dinner.

- This activity is one of many activities that are held in different municipalities in Kronoberg in cooperation with Sensus. Today is the last day of camping in Holmarna, where the municipality of Växjö allowed us to camp for free. Of course we did this activity for those who cannot travel and take summer vacations. We decided to do a pleasant thing in nature to feel good during the summer, forgetting everything and this is good for health. The project also aims to promote integration with other cultures." As Maya Söderberg says.

Maha Nasser
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