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Three women from Växjö creating a network to help Ukrainian refugees

Växjö • Publicerad 16 mars 2022

In the continuation of the war and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Many Kronoberg residents would like to offer support and help. Among them are three Växjö residents who are passionate about helping refugees from war-torn Ukraine and who created Kronoberg för Ukraina.

The three women are Sara Bergqwist, Emelie Bergendorff and Karolina Zieniewicz who declare their solidarity with the people who had to leave their homeland from the scourge of war and to save themselves and their families. They point out that it is related to humanity because they are affected when the war comes so close now.


Many Swedes were deeply affected by the horrific images of the war in Ukraine. More and more people want to help Ukrainian refugees. The United Nations estimates that there will soon be 1.5 million refugees from Ukraine. About a million Ukrainians have already received assistance in Poland.

That's why Sara Bergqwist, Emelie Bergendorff and Karolina Zieniewicz didn't just want to sit back and watch, and decided to do something good for the Ukrainian refugees who were coming to Kronoberg province.

They started a few days ago, Kronoberg för Ukraina as well as opened a Facebook group of the same name.

They also announced the network and distributed information at a charity event organized by the Växjö Citysamverkan on Sunday in the Concert Hall for children and families in war-torn regions of Ukraine.

Now their initiative has begun to spread in Kronoberg. Nearly 900 members joined the "Kronoberg för Ukraina" Facebook group in a short time. Through the network members willing to help can, among other things, offer a room or an apartment to Ukrainian families who come here, donate items that are transported to the Ukrainian border and register themself as a volunteer in various relief efforts.

– The Facebook group becomes a gathering place to mediate contacts and help and to gather contributions, says Sara Bergqwist.

– We have contact with the Swedish Migration Agency to get some advice. People want to donate things and help with housing, and they offer to spend time with the Ukrainian families when they come here, says Emelie Bergendorff.

– People come with clothes and toys and someone offers to drive a truck with things down to the Ukrainian border, says Karolina Zieniewicz, who came to Sweden from Poland two years ago and speaks very good Swedish.

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