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Workshop targeting Sensus leaders in Kronoberg

Växjö • Publicerad 20 december 2021
Foto: Maha Nasser

The Sensus studieförbund in cooperation with Save the Children organization held a workshop on Saturday, targeting all leaders and officials of activities in the Sensus. The workshop aims, among other things, to develop the leadership skills of the participants, in addition to discussing many important topics, including the discussion of the 2022 plan.

“Many leaders and officials of activities gathered today from all Kronoberg municipalities to discuss developing leadership skills, the role of leaders, providing new information on risk assessment regarding the current situation and the Corona crisis and the mechanism that must be followed in dealing with students and participants in the courses.This will include distance training courses, and in person education. In addition, we will focus on talking about the environment and climate, which is one of the most important issues today. Says Maha Ibrahim, one of the organizers of the workshop and project leader in Sensus.


- It is a development day. We will talk about leadership and how to be a successful leader. Leaders will also make plans for their upcoming training courses as well as evaluate The risks that are expected to occur in the future. In addition, we will work in cooperation with Sensus on an early intervention project for Asylum seekers in 2022, which Nazanin Tavakol and I will be responsible for. Says Maja Söderberg from Save the Children and workshop process leader.

The workshop concluded with the celebration of Christmas and the distribution of gifts to the participants.

- These leaders work in difficult conditions and for a small fee because we are a non-profit organization, and therefore we will thank them by engaging them in training sessions. As Maha Ibrahim says.

Maha Nasser
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