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Bisharo Elmi: I feel that I have achieved success, but I have not fulfilled my dream yet

Bisharo Elmi for your Mosaik:
- When I came to Sweden I had completed high school. But my diploma was not recognized, so I went back to studying again from primary and I am currently studying at secondary school.
- Some immigrants are afraid to face society, especially veiled women, they think that society will not accept them because they are veiled.
- I don't see the veil as an obstacle. I am satisfied with what I wear. I don't see the integration has anything to do with what we wear. Everyone has the freedom to choose what he likes to wear.
Växjö • Publicerad 7 oktober 2022
Bisharo Elmi kom till Sverige som 19-åring 2013
Bisharo Elmi kom till Sverige som 19-åring 2013Foto: Maha Nasser

Bisharo Elmi came to Sweden at the age of 19, in 2013, and she was a wife and a mother of a child. Bisharo joined her husband, who had immigrated to Sweden and obtained residency. Bisharo had difficulty adapting and integrating at first. She said that everything was difficult and different for her and that she suffered from loneliness a lot because she is far from her family and friends. She had finished high school when she came to Sweden. But her secondary school certificate was not recognized in Sweden, so Bisharo chose to study again and started from primary school. Today, Bisharo works with integration activities in order to help others integrate. She also teaches Swedish for newcomers and refugees. She is one of the founders of the Arabys aktiva familjer association. In addition, she speaks Somali, Swedish, Arabic and a little English.

– I had great difficulty in integration. Everything was different, the environment, the culture and the weather. I suffered from loneliness a lot. There was no big family, no relatives, no friends. There are many factors that make integrating into the new society difficult in the beginning. The first thing that makes integration difficult is the language and the difference in culture. Says Bisharo Elmi in an interview with the Mosaik.


What did you do to integrate when you faced all these obstacles?

The first thing I learned is the language because language is the key to society. I learned the language first in order to integrate and get a job opportunity. Secondly, in order to communicate with my children because my children were born and raised in this country and Swedish is their mother tongue. So I need to communicate with them in the language they understand best. I Learned the language through studying and then mixing with people and friends who do not speak my language, so the common language was Swedish.

Bisharo points out that integration requires great efforts, not just language. Because one has to know how society works.

- I took a training course for parents in order to know how to deal with our children according to the laws of this country. This training course helped me a lot in understanding the concept of integration. She says.

Bisharo works with Studiefrämjandet on integration projects. Among other things, she works with projects for asylum seekers, teaches Swedish to newcomers, as well as projects for women looking for work. Bisharo is also one of the founders of the Arabys aktiva familjer association.

- After establishing the Arabys aktiva familjer association, the Studiefrämjandet provided a lot of support. As leaders, we received a training course for leaders on leadership and project management. After that, we got job opportunities to work on integration projects. And we started by holding courses for the people of the region, especially for parents, about raising children and about Swedish society. There was a huge turnout in this course. After that we started a project for språkcafe for mothers where mothers would take their babies with them so that they could participate. In addition to that, we have a homework help project for women, where there are many women who are studying in different fields And they find it difficult to do the homework.We also started another project to teach Swedish to newcomers, the name of the project is "Swedish from Day One. Says Bisharo Elmi.

At the beginning of our conversation, Bisharo said that she had not yet fulfilled her dreams. And it is still struggling to achieve itself. She said she feels successful because she has overcome many obstacles she faced in the beginning. but this is not all.

- When I came to Sweden I had completed high school. But my diploma was not recognized, so I went back to study again from primary school and I am currently studying at secondary school. Despite my busy work and activities, in addition to the maternity periods that occurred during the study period, I was able to continue to complete my studies. I am studying Because I want to become a nurse or a medical lab technician. So I struggle for my self-realization and to be an independent woman I can take responsibility for myself and support myself. I don't want to depend on my husband. I am happy that I am in Sweden today, where there are great opportunities for self-development , especially the opportunities for free education. In addition to the availability of educational opportunities in different ratios according to your ability and your free time. There are many who came to Sweden, but only men work, women do not work. I do not want to be one of them, and I want to rely on myself in a country. The opportunity is available to everyone, both men and women. As Bisharo Elmi says.

There are many who came to Sweden, but they find it difficult to integrate and get a job. What do you say to them?

I tell them if I find a job you will definitely find a job. Just look for opportunities! Nobody will knock on your door and ask you to come to work. You must strive to learn the language. People who came from our communities in a hurry do not want to struggle. They want to work from day one. They forget that they are in a new society and there are obstacles in front of them that they must overcome first. The majority are pessimistic and listen to others and form a point of view without experiencing it for themselves. We should not listen to others, especially the negative and pessimists who say the language is difficult, there are no job opportunities, etc. You have to try for yourself! Yes, there is unemployment among those born outside Sweden, but you must work hard to have a chance! Study a one or two year course, develop your language. Write a good resume. You should think carefully about your CV! Who will hire you if you can't speak Swedish and you don't have anything special on your CV? Sometimes your previous qualifications are not important and you have to start from scratch.


Through your dealings with women who came from different and somewhat closed societies, in your opinion, what is the obstacle that stands in front of women and prevents them from integrating, and how can culture prevent them from integrating?

Culture constitutes two obstacles. First, some see that we are women without will and that our husbands are the ones who rule over us. They are also the ones who impose the hijab on us. Perhaps some of them see us as a laughing stock. I have received a lot of questions about this. There are already men ruling over their women. But not everyone. But I say to women: Free yourself and rely on yourself! Look at the immigrant women who came before and succeeded in society. In addition, there is a fear of facing society, especially veiled women, who think that society will not accept them because they are veiled. Perhaps there is such a thing. I know a girl who was born in Sweden and wore the hijab when she was twenty years old. She said that society treated her differently after wearing the hijab. Therefore, there is a fear in society that it will not accept the different cultures and differences in general.

To what extent can the veiled Bisharo overcome all the obstacles that might stand in the way of her success one day?

I do not see that the hijab is an obstacle. I am satisfied with what I wear. I don't think the Integration has anything to do with what we wear. Everyone has the freedom to choose what he likes to wear. He has the right to go out naked and he has the right to cover his whole body. Integration is with thought and contribution to society. Therefore, I will face the society by my education and by insisting to succeed. I will defend my right. I will not let the frustrations affect me if society rejects me. Unless society accepts me or rejects me, I will continue to achieve my goals in life, and I will continue to give and actively contribute to society.

Maha Nasser
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